Stephanie Badger, Vice President, The Nickels Group
Jacob Carter, Director of Government Affairs, NLBMDA
Alex Strong, Senior Director, Federal Legislative, National Association of Home Builders

A State of Play from Washington D.C.: An Insider Look Into the Political Landscape
Location: Colonial Ballroom
Against the backdrop of the 2024 presidential election, this session will examine the political climate in Washington as the Biden Administration and the 118th Congress clash over competing legislative and regulatory agendas that directly impact lumber and building material dealers nationwide. Featuring guest speakers from the National Association of Home Builders and The Nickels Group, NLBMDA’s political panel will explore the pressing issues dominating the nation's capital, from funding fights that threaten to shut down the government to impeachment inquiries that set the stage for 2024, while covering topics ranging from housing legislation and credit card swipe fees to labor and safety regulations that are targeting small businesses. Join us for a glimpse into the future of Washington, DC, as our panelists offer their predictions and insights on upcoming legislative priorities, regulatory changes, and potential policy shifts. The panel discussion will encourage audience participation through a Q&A session that allow attendees to direct the conversation and seek clarity on specific topics.
200 W 12th Street
Kansas City, MO 64105
United States